Stat |
Rank |
Date |
Comment |
0:57 |
1/14 |
03-21-04 |
0:49 |
2/25 |
12-07-04 |
0:38 |
2/121 |
09-21-15 |
0:49 |
2/25 |
12-09-04 |
0:57 |
2/15 |
03-26-04 |
0:38 |
2/119 |
02-18-15 |
0:57 |
2/16 |
04-04-04 |
0:38 |
2/119 |
03-31-15 |
0:57 |
2/17 |
04-05-04 |
0:38 |
2/119 |
05-09-15 |
1:07 |
2/11 |
02-29-04 |
0:38 |
2/120 |
05-15-15 |
0:49 |
2/24 |
12-06-04 |
0:38 |
2/121 |
07-31-15 |
3/106 |
08-24-13 |
Can't believe everything fell into place at once! |
0:49 |
3/29 |
09-28-05 |
0:38 |
3/125 |
04-15-16 |
3/106 |
08-24-13 |
Can't believe everything fell into place at once! |
0:49 |
3/21 |
06-10-04 |
3/37 |
02-20-06 |
All times in the top three once again! |
0:49 |
3/23 |
07-06-04 |
0:38 |
3/125 |
04-15-16 |
0:49 |
3/26 |
12-11-04 |
3/107 |
09-03-13 |
Can't believe everything fell into place at once! |
0:49 |
3/22 |
06-13-04 |
3/37 |
03-04-06 |
All times in the top three once again! |
0:49 |
3/24 |
07-10-04 |
0:38 |
3/125 |
04-17-16 |
0:49 |
3/25 |
07-13-04 |
3/38 |
03-22-06 |
All times in the top three once again! |
0:38 |
3/124 |
05-17-16 |
0:49 |
3/26 |
08-19-04 |
3/104 |
06-08-13 |
Can't believe everything fell into place at once! |
0:49 |
3/27 |
09-04-05 |
0:57 |
3/18 |
04-16-04 |
0:49 |
3/23 |
06-18-04 |
3/38 |
03-28-06 |
All times in the top three once again! |
0:38 |
3/127 |
07-24-17 |
0:49 |
3/26 |
09-02-04 |
3/105 |
06-28-13 |
Can't believe everything fell into place at once! |
0:49 |
3/27 |
09-04-05 |
1:00 |
3/12 |
03-08-04 |
0:57 |
3/19 |
04-20-04 |
0:38 |
3/131 |
12-03-19 |
0:49 |
3/23 |
06-20-04 |
3/38 |
03-28-06 |
All times in the top three once again! |
0:38 |
3/130 |
01-16-19 |
0:49 |
3/26 |
09-03-04 |
3/106 |
07-13-13 |
Can't believe everything fell into place at once! |
0:49 |
3/28 |
09-09-05 |
0:38 |
3/131 |
04-05-21 |
0:49 |
3/23 |
06-23-04 |
3/38 |
03-31-06 |
All times in the top three once again! |
0:38 |
3/131 |
04-14-19 |
3/106 |
07-22-13 |
Can't believe everything fell into place at once! |
0:49 |
3/29 |
09-12-05 |
0:38 |
3/132 |
02-09-24 |
0:49 |
3/23 |
06-25-04 |
0:38 |
3/125 |
07-11-16 |
4/45 |
07-13-06 |
All times in the top three once again! |
0:49 |
4/32 |
12-02-05 |
0:38 |
4/132 |
08-06-24 |
0:49 |
4/34 |
12-26-05 |
4/39 |
04-15-06 |
All times in the top three once again! |
0:49 |
4/30 |
10-19-05 |
4/67 |
07-29-08 |
All times in the top three once again! |
0:49 |
4/32 |
12-04-05 |
4/63 |
12-11-07 |
All times in the top three once again! |
0:49 |
4/30 |
10-22-05 |
4/64 |
12-20-07 |
All times in the top three once again! |
1:21 |
4/10 |
12-31-03 |
4/64 |
07-22-08 |
All times in the top three once again! |
0:49 |
4/30 |
10-22-05 |
4/65 |
01-06-08 |
All times in the top three once again! |
0:49 |
4/30 |
10-22-05 |
4/65 |
01-13-08 |
All times in the top three once again! |
0:38 |
4/125 |
06-14-16 |
4/43 |
05-27-06 |
All times in the top three once again! |
0:49 |
4/30 |
11-10-05 |
4/66 |
02-21-08 |
All times in the top three once again! |
0:38 |
4/125 |
06-14-16 |
4/66 |
02-21-08 |
All times in the top three once again! |
0:49 |
4/31 |
11-10-05 |
0:57 |
4/19 |
04-25-04 |
0:49 |
4/33 |
12-10-05 |
4/66 |
02-26-08 |
All times in the top three once again! |
0:49 |
4/31 |
11-23-05 |
0:57 |
4/20 |
04-28-04 |
0:49 |
4/34 |
12-23-05 |
4/39 |
04-05-06 |
All times in the top three once again! |
0:38 |
4/126 |
03-30-16 |
5/66 |
02-28-08 |
All times in the top three once again! |
0:42 |
5/93 |
03-27-12 |
5/55 |
04-06-07 |
All times in the top three once again! |
0:42 |
5/100 |
07-13-12 |
5/59 |
06-16-07 |
All times in the top three once again! |
0:57 |
5/20 |
05-23-04 |
5/56 |
02-09-07 |
All times in the top three once again! |
0:42 |
5/103 |
09-30-12 |
5/64 |
11-20-07 |
All times in the top three once again! |
0:42 |
5/93 |
03-28-12 |
5/55 |
04-15-07 |
All times in the top three once again! |
0:42 |
5/101 |
07-21-12 |
5/60 |
06-28-07 |
All times in the top three once again! |
0:49 |
5/36 |
01-29-06 |
0:42 |
5/103 |
10-14-12 |
5/55 |
02-02-07 |
All times in the top three once again! |
0:42 |
5/94 |
04-09-12 |
5/56 |
04-15-07 |
All times in the top three once again! |
0:42 |
5/101 |
07-28-12 |
5/60 |
06-28-07 |
All times in the top three once again! |
0:49 |
5/36 |
02-10-06 |
0:42 |
5/103 |
11-14-12 |
5/55 |
02-02-07 |
All times in the top three once again! |
0:42 |
5/95 |
05-29-12 |
5/57 |
05-08-07 |
All times in the top three once again! |
0:42 |
5/102 |
08-24-12 |
5/61 |
08-11-07 |
All times in the top three once again! |
0:49 |
5/37 |
02-11-06 |
0:42 |
5/103 |
11-14-12 |
5/55 |
02-02-07 |
All times in the top three once again! |
0:42 |
5/96 |
05-30-12 |
5/57 |
05-16-07 |
All times in the top three once again! |
0:42 |
5/103 |
09-06-12 |
5/60 |
09-05-07 |
All times in the top three once again! |
0:42 |
5/103 |
11-16-12 |
5/55 |
02-02-07 |
All times in the top three once again! |
0:42 |
5/97 |
06-10-12 |
5/57 |
05-20-07 |
All times in the top three once again! |
0:42 |
5/103 |
09-12-12 |
5/61 |
09-13-07 |
All times in the top three once again! |
0:42 |
5/98 |
06-30-12 |
5/57 |
05-31-07 |
All times in the top three once again! |
0:42 |
5/103 |
09-16-12 |
5/62 |
10-07-07 |
All times in the top three once again! |
0:42 |
5/99 |
07-07-12 |
5/58 |
05-31-07 |
All times in the top three once again! |
0:42 |
5/102 |
09-22-12 |
5/63 |
10-13-07 |
All times in the top three once again! |
0:42 |
6/103 |
03-21-13 |
6/72 |
09-28-08 |
All times in the top three once again! |
0:42 |
6/103 |
01-06-13 |
6/79 |
04-22-09 |
All times in the top three once again! |
0:42 |
6/103 |
02-13-13 |
6/72 |
09-28-08 |
All times in the top three once again! |
7/80 |
05-16-09 |
0:42 |
7/104 |
03-29-13 |
7/81 |
06-01-09 |
All times in the top three once again! |
0:42 |
7/104 |
05-17-13 |
7/82 |
06-02-09 |
All times in the top three once again! |
0:43 |
7/93 |
03-10-12 |
7/82 |
08-14-09 |
All times in the top three once again! |
8/85 |
02-21-10 |
0:42 |
8/104 |
05-28-13 |
8/86 |
03-20-10 |
All times in the top three once again! |
9/91 |
01-04-12 |